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Early Imprint Mentoring
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Projekt „Love, Roots & Wings“ – Coming Soon
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Aktuell läuft das „Familie im Glück – Onlinesymposium“

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Move into Balance –
Astrologie in Bewegung meets Early Imprint Mentoring
Erlebe dich als Kanal zwischen Himmel und Erde.
Wie oben so auch unten.
Wie innen so auch außen.

Early Imprint Mentoring

  • online & offline
  • exclusive settings
  • one hour to one day experiences
  • single appointments & packages
  • in English & German

Most booked:

  • 6 weeks package
  • 4 sessions á 1,5 hours
  • continous support via mail, telegram, signal or phone
  • holding the space for your transformational process
  • € 2.400 for the whole package

–> please contact me for further details <–

Leadership Mentoring for Individuals, Groups & Companies:
„True, authentic leadership requires both male & female qualities such as clarity, holding space, straight actions, empathic communication, logic & intuition.

To integrate all of these qualities it’s often necessary to take a look at ones earliest imprints in life. Because thats where all our patterns regarding behavior and relationships are set. Business relationships as well.“

Available in German & English.

–> please contact me for further information <–
I’m pleased to make you an offer that is exactly adapted to your situation.

Contact – Alexandra (Christ) Ina Baumgartner
0043 664 4321 857




Akademische Expertin in Early Life Care,
Early Imprint Mentorin,

Physiotherapeutin und weiters

Kongress-Speakerin, Real Estate Managerin, Bio-Bäuerin & getrennt erziehende Mama
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